Spinning division is capable of producing 34,913 lbs. of Ring Spun yarn every day with both 100% cotton and cotton/poly blend in Mélanges with 18,528 spindles.
Plant provide the facility to dye the loose fiber, sewing thread, elastic and raw yarn. Plant has capacity to dye the 29,600 lbs. per day.
Knitting division is capable of making JERSEY, Pique, Fleece, Interlock, and Rib, etc. With daily capacity of producing of 220,000 lbs per day with 700 Machines.
The Processing Plant has capacity of dyeing over 240,000 lbs. per day 100% cotton, Poly-cotton blend and 100% Polyester fabrics.
7 cutting units are working which are fully equipped with latest machinery like Gerber Plotter, Auto Spreader, Band Knife, Bierrebi cutting machine.
Automated Embroidery machines are producing per day 21,500 Pcs and Printing (digital/screen/laser) support to print 56,000 Pcs per day.
With over 4,800 stitching machines are working which manned with the most skilled and expert operators. Per day output is 200,000.
Masood recently established its garment laundry division and Equipment support to handles 40,000 Pcs per day..
(Sales and Merchandising)
Phone: +92-41-4713503-10 Ext:2135
+92 300 8651684
Email: hussainahmad@masoodtextile.com
(Sales and Merchandising)
Phone: +92-41-4713503-10 Ext: 2380
+92 300 8657929
Email: faisalmalik@masoodtextile.com
(Sales and Merchandising)
Phone: +92-41-4713503-10 Ext:2350
+92 0303 7771976
Email: farooqjaved@masoodtextile.com