Masood has documented a quality manual that states the quality management system of the organization. Management establishes a documented quality plan setting out the specific quality practice, resources required and the sequence of activities relevant to the particular product.
There are quality checks at every stage of manufacturing starting from Raw Cotton, Yarn, Fabric, Processing, Cutting, Stitching and Packing. Before the fabric is cut, it is checked whether it conforms to the customer’s standards of shrinkage, finished g/cm2 etc.
Masood has a very strong corrective and preventative action plan. Masood has centralized the corrective action and controls the non-conformity arising in the system. If necessary the relevant person immediately takes the corrective action. For preventative action, the department head keeps the record. Electronic records are kept by the Information Technology Department.
Masood has own calibration laboratory. Before using any instruments, they are calibrated as per the international standards.
ISO department provides a management system at Masood, which is free of non-conformance. The department has training system that creates awareness of Total Quality Management System (TQM). All the departments and people at all levels are involved in this program. Masood has a team of qualified and certified auditors who would check, improve and ensure the consistency in the system.
We are also proud being WRAP (Worldwide Responsible Apparel Production) certified.